
Other kinds of my essays

SAVE ENERGY Company – Smart Energy Saver Product


In our day today life, we are enjoying the modern inventions in technology to the extreme. Although the inventions are increasing rapidly on one hand, on the other hand the energy usage is also getting on higher for utilising these technical inventions. And moreover, the educational institutions, industries, house apartments are fully dependent on electricity. Thus, as a result we face the problems of global warming, climatic changes, and high electricity bills and so on. In addition, the press media, internet and televisions are broadcasting the news of saving the energy for future. Apparently, it has become an important issue that we came up with maintaining an earth hour to lessen the carbon dioxide emission in the atmosphere. So, by considering this significant issue our company members came up with a concept of building a product for controlling the energy consumption.

Our product will be built for monitoring and controlling the amount of energy usage in houses. Our product mainly involves a ‘Master Device’ which will be able to monitor and control the energy consumption of each electronic equipment used in our houses. The Master Device will hold the information of which device is being operated and at what time. Along with this, the plugs and fuses are improved to ‘Smart Plugs’ and ’Smart Fuses’ by attaching sensors and relays to do the sensing and switching operations. The Master Device also has a wifi module inside it, to communicate with the smart fuses and plugs for activating or deactivating the electricity to particular electronic equipment. The user will also be able to control the Master Device remotely for fixing the duration for a particular device to be switched on or switched off. Thus, a Smart Energy Saver product to save the energy for future.

1.0 Index

  • Abstract 
  • 2.0 Introduction                                                          
    • 2.1 Marketing
      • 2.1.1 Idea Generation
      • 2.1.2 Idea selection
      • 2.1.3 Concept
  • 3.0 Product definition process
    • 3.1 Marketing
      • 3.1.1 User research
      • 3.1.2 Market research
      • 3.1.3 Customer needs from the survey analysis
    • 3.2 Software
      • 3.2.1 Software Design Metrics
    • 3.3 Hardware
      • 3.3.1 Specification according to needs
  • 4.0 Product Development
    • 4.1 Marketing
      • 4.1.1 Design of the smart plug
    • 4.2 Software
      • 4.2.1 Software Architecture
      • 4.2.2 Client Architecture
      • 4.2.3 Software Modular Design
      • 4.2.4 Graphical User Interface (GUI)
      • 4.5.2 Client/Server Application using Socket programming (JAVE SE)
    • 4.3 Hardware
      • 4.3.1 Evolution of Hardware Design
      • 4.3.2 Hardware Description and Component Specifications
  • 4.3.3 Hardware components list and cost
  • 4.3.4 Phases in Hardware Development Process
  • 5.0 Design Data and conclusions
    • 5.1 Marketing
      • 5.1.1 Price
      • 5.1.2 Product
      • 5.1.3 Place
      • 5.1.4 Promotion
    • 5.2 Software
      • 5.2.1 Estimated size and effort
      • 5.2.2 Development Environment
      • 5.2.3 Training Plan
    • 5.3 Hardware
  • 5.3.1 Hardware Schematics
  • 5.3.2 PCB Design for the hardware
  • 6.0 Applications
    • 6.1 Advantages
    • 6.2 Disadvantages 
  • 7.0 Conclusion and Future Development 
  • 8.0 References 
  • 9.0 Appendix
    • 9.1 Task dividing
      • 9.1.1 Marketing
      • 9.1.2 Software
      • 9.1.3 Hardware


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Win 8快捷键及Surface Pro截图功能



  • 电脑
  • Win8或8.1系统


1. windows键+C键,打开“超级按钮”

Screenshot (3)

2. windows键+I键,打开当前程序的“设置”菜单。

Screenshot (6)

3. windows键+Q键,打开应用搜索面板。

Screenshot (4)

4. windows键+P键,打开演示设置面板。

Screenshot (7)

5. windows键+H键,打开共享面板。


6. windows键+X键,打开快捷菜单。

Screenshot (5)
其他快捷方式:windows键+D键,显示桌面;windows键+E键,打开我的电脑;windows键+R键,打开运行窗口;windows键+T键,切换任务栏上的程序; windows键+F键,打开电脑文件搜索面板。


Surface 屏幕截图

Surface 当你需要分享你Surface里的精美图片给朋友们时,截图是一个非常需要的功能。同样的,微软的Surface不需要安装下载任何的第三方的应用程序,你可以直接使用其内嵌的截图功能,截取出精美的照片并且它会直接的保存在照片文件夹里。


  •  Surface


  1.  就目前所知,有三种方法,Surface可以进行截图功能。 第一种:利用组合键。 第二种:利用功能键。 第三种:利用APP。
  2.  第一种:WIN+down音量键。 利用按住Windows键同时按下“降低音量”按钮。 默认的保存位置为:C:\Users\\My Pictures\Screenshots
  3.  第二种:利用键盘FN+WIN+空格键 (需要按住 Fn 键才能使用 F1 – F12 键,否则是 F1 – F12 上对应的 Windows 8 特殊功能。)
  4.  第三:利用snipping tool 在app中搜索并打开该工具,即可使用。


  •  该组合键适用于Surface RT和Surface Pro。

T.I.M.E. European Summer School(TESS) Essays

Essays resources for different topics:

Topic list:

Assignment 1:

Create your own alternative indicator!
1. Pick 3 countries (1 developed, 1 transition and 1 developing country)
2. Generate your own alternative indicator! Select a couple of indicators you
think to be relevant from the World Bank Database(http://data.worldbank.org/indicator), and combine them as you see fit (add, subtract, multiply, etc.) to generate your indicator.
3. Plot the % change in your indicator for 3 years and compare it to the % change in GDP.
4. Explain your results.

Assignment 2:

Can you provide examples and related explanation of local policies for managing sustainability?

Assignment 3:

How, according to you, could we deal with inequality regarding mitigation and adaptation ?

Assignment 4:

What are the major stakes and stakeholders for universities? How can universities develop real Social Responsibility policies? Which activities could be undertaken, should be prioritized? How far do you think this can influence students in their future lives – as workers and as citizens?

Assignment 5:

My lecture provides a broad picture on the transformation problem related to climate change. Depending on your academic background and/or your knowledge interest you may select a point of departure – based on the lecture ‐ for your discussion on the structural transformation necessary and/or inevitable ahead of us:
* you can eg discuss the macro economic transformation problem (starting from section 6 in the lecture)
* or you can discuss structural problems more in depth (starting from section 7 in the lecture)
* or analyze the transformation challenge with focus on a certain industrial sector (or a set of interrelated scetors/industries) inspired by section 8 in the lecture
* you are also allowed to provide a more critical reflection to the approach in the lecture: is it possible to transform as suggested – and is it necessary? What should be the balance between adaption and mitigation?

Assignment 6:

Research and describe how the transport system could be improved to be more sustainable in the city where you live.
Try to stress locally available resources and opportunities for development (tools and resources only available in your town, county or part of the country)

Assignment 7:

Select a Clean Technology of your interest (recycling, renewable energy, information technology, green transportation, electric motors, green chemistry, lighting…).
Related with this technology:
– Describe why it is “clean”, and how it is working.
– Give your opinion regarding the potential of this clean technology to “change the world”

Assignment 8:

Prepare a small paper (not more than 6 pages) that contains your suggestions and plan to solve the problem of the hot spot that is on the top of the priority list. Since there can be  any solutions for the same water resources management problem, consider that there is not only one single correct answer and be creative.

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